Micro SaaS Ideas to Build in 2024: Top 50 Micro SaaS Examples Generating $1000s in MRR

In 2024, the landscape for building micro SaaS (Software as a Service) products has never been more promising. Since our last update on Best 50 Micro SaaS Ideas and Side Projects in October 2023, significant shifts have occurred in the tech industry. The emergence of new AI tools has made it easier for individuals to enter the realm of SaaS and Micro SaaS without requiring extensive coding skills. Platforms like Bubble, Notion, AirTable, and Make, among others, have democratized software development, eliminating the need to be a proficient software developer to bring ideas to fruition. The focus now lies in understanding customer needs and the problem space being addressed.

For those dreaming of establishing a software empire but with a leaner approach, Micro-SaaS could be the solution. This article delves into the burgeoning world of micro-SaaS, where small, targeted applications offer significant opportunities for innovation. We’ll explore 50 inspiring examples across various industries, ranging from productivity tools to marketing solutions, providing a roadmap for aspiring entrepreneurs to kickstart their micro-SaaS journey. Whether you’re an experienced developer or an enthusiastic newcomer, the goal is to tap into your entrepreneurial spirit and translate your idea into a successful micro-SaaS business.

Micro-SaaS is disrupting the traditional software landscape by offering a more agile and accessible path to entrepreneurship. Unlike their enterprise counterparts, micro-SaaS applications focus on addressing specific pain points with streamlined solutions. These applications feature user-friendly interfaces and often utilize subscription-based pricing models, making them accessible to individuals and small businesses. The result is faster development cycles, lower barriers to entry, and the potential for rapid customer acquisition.

Despite the abundance of opportunities, navigating the micro-SaaS landscape can be overwhelming. This article aims to guide by showcasing 50 diverse micro-SaaS concepts across various industries. Each example serves as inspiration, helping readers identify niches ripe for disruption. Micro-SaaS may seem small-scale, but it offers significant potential for growth and profitability.

Consider the example of Whalesync, a no-code micro saas tool for instant 2-way data sync across apps like Airtable, Webflow, Notion, Postgres, & Bubble. The startup is currently doing an estimated annual revenue of $128k.

Another micro SaaS too is Potion, a no-code tool for creating custom Notion websites bootstrapped by Noah Bragg. Potion was later sold for $300K last year.

Whalesync and Potion are just examples of micro SaaS tools tapping into the potential of AI and the ease of no-code tools to build simple, yet remarkable products and achieve substantial earnings. In addition to these standout ventures, there exists a list of 50 other micro-SaaS and side projects that are generating thousands in Monthly Recurring Revenues (MRR).

Beyond inspiration, success in the micro-SaaS space requires more than just a great idea. This article provides insights into the crucial steps for validating concepts, exploring monetization strategies, and implementing effective marketing tactics tailored to the micro-SaaS landscape. By staying informed about the latest industry trends and best practices, aspiring entrepreneurs can navigate the micro-SaaS landscape with confidence and turn their vision into a reality.

Here are the top 50 micro SaaS examples for you to consider building in 2024. This carefully curated list originates from Upen, the founder of Micro SaaS Idea, a newsletter aimed at tech enthusiasts and marketers seeking their next lucrative micro SaaS concept. Kudos to Upen for dedicating countless hours to online research to craft this invaluable resource. So, get ready to dive into the micro-SaaS revolution and let’s embark on this journey together!

Best 50 Micro SaaS Ideas to Build in 2024

Micro SaaS Examples Generating $1000s in Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

  • Ashley with Dealsourcr:
    • Achieves £27K Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) with Dealsourcr, an AI-powered tool aiding UK investors in finding property deals.
  • Api2Pdf by Zack:
    • Api2Pdf, a REST API for instant PDF document generation, reaches $10K/month in revenue.
  • Meetzy by Jorge:
    • Meetzy, a tool facilitating AI-generated phone calls to engage leads, reaches $330/month in revenue.
  • Luca with interview.study:
    • Grows interview.study, an AI-based interview copilot, to 1k users and $500+ MRR in 2.5 months.
  • Hyvor Blogs by Ishini and Supun:
    • Hyvor Blogs, a blogging platform, reaches €200 MRR.
  • Simon’s Laradir:
    • Simon grows Laradir, a directory of Laravel developers, to $430/month revenue.
  • Feather.so by Bhanu:
    • Feather.so, a Notion-based blogging platform, hits $5.9k MRR.
  • Maileroo:
    • Maileroo, a tool for transactional email delivery, reaches $250/month in revenue.
  • Notionsocial by Pul:
    • Notionsocial, a tool enabling scheduling of social media posts from Notion databases, reaches $700 MRR.
  • Stas with Karma:
    • Grows Karma, a collaborative team tool, to $33K in monthly revenue.
  • Nico’s makerads.guide:
    • Generates $10,000 of sales from 142 pre-orders in 24 hours with makerads.guide – a guide for advertising SaaS & Software on Facebook.
  • SEO CoPilot by Josh:
    • AI-powered On-page SEO tool SEO CoPilot by Josh, grows to $9.6K/month revenue.
  • Supergrow:
    • Supergrow, a tool for audience growth on LinkedIn, crosses $4K MRR.
  • Shipped.club by Luca:
    • Shipped.club, a Next.js Startup Kit, hits $5.3K/month in revenue.
  • Bluedot by Ruslan:
    • Bluedot, an AI-powered Chrome extension for Google Meet, reaches $2K/month revenue.
  • Levi’s Sheet Monkey:
    • Levi grows Sheet Monkey, a tool connecting forms to Google Sheets, to $8500 MRR with ~13k registered users.
  • Calendesk by Maciej:
    • Calendesk, an appointment scheduling software, reaches $12K MRR.
  • Singing Carrots by Sergey:
    • Singing Carrots, a tool for singing self-study hits $8.6K/month in revenue.
  • Pauline’s IACrea:
    • Pauline grows IACrea, an AI tool for home redesign, to €2K MRR in 4.5 months.
  • Repurpose Pie:
    • Repurpose Pie, a text-to-video content repurposing SaaS for Twitter creators, hits $6K MRR in 2 months.
  • Creatifly by Kumail:
    • Creatifly, a productized service for design, development, and marketing, reaches $6350 MRR in 1 week.
  • Postli by Iuliia:
    • Postli, a LinkedIn post creator tool, crosses €400 MRR after 3 months.
  • Obsidian:
    • Obsidian, a platform aiding operators in viewing their company comprehensively and getting quick financial answers from the CFO co-pilot, gets 8 paying customers after one month of development.

NoCode and LowCode Micro SaaS Tools Generating $1000s in MRR

  • BuildShip:
    • Low-code visual backend builder powered by AI.
    • Enables creation of APIs, job scheduling, and database CRUD operations on any cloud platform.
    • Allows integration of any AI model to create custom backend workflows.
  • Flezr:
    • No-code tool for building dynamic websites at scale from data in Google Sheets or Supabase.
  • Whalesync:
    • No-code tool for instant 2-way data sync across apps like Airtable, Webflow, Notion, Postgres, & Bubble.
    • Estimated annual revenue: $128k.
  • Tailscan:
    • Visual building, designing, and debugging of Tailwind websites within the browser.
    • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR): $2.3K.
  • Datatera.ai:
    • AI-powered tool for transforming diverse data formats (HTML, XML, JSON, TXT) into structured forms for analysis without coding.
  • Permit.io:
    • Full Stack authorization as a service for building and managing permissions for any application.
    • Provides an easy-to-use no-code Policy Editor and generates fully transparent Policy as Code.
    • Received $6M in funding.
  • cmdk:
    • Low code dev tool for implementing in-app search and commands to enhance user navigation.
  • SlashPage:
    • Creates websites within seconds, complete with a feedback community and product story blog.
  • gptengineer.app:
    • Rapid prototyping of interactive web apps using natural language.
  • Daxlr:
    • No-Code Data Visualization Platform for embedding Dashboards, data alerts, AI-generated insights, etc.
  • Potion:
    • No-code tool for creating custom Notion websites.
    • Bootstrapped by Noah Bragg and sold for $300K in 2023.
  • Breeew:
    • All-in-one platform for creating and managing productized services.
  • Scade.pro:
    • AI-based platform for automating business processes and product creation.
  • n8n:
    • Workflow automation tool with a visual interface.
    • Estimated annual revenue: $5.6M.
  • Bonboarding:
    • Creates dynamic onboarding experiences and interactive walkthroughs without coding.
  • Feather.so:
    • Notion-based blogging platform.
    • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR): $5.9k.
  • Rosebud AI:
    • AI-powered game development platform.
    • Received $8.8M in funding.
  • Wized:
    • Extension for Webflow projects to build login functionality, integrate data from Airtable and REST APIs, etc.
  • Xano:
    • No-Code backend to power and scale any app.
    • Received $15.4M in funding.
    • AI-Powered codeless Test automation on the cloud.
  • v0:
    • Uses AI models to generate React code from simple text prompts.
  • Softr:
    • Turns Airtable, Google Sheets, or SmartSuite into client portals and internal tools without coding.
    • Received $15.7M in funding.
  • Flowmonk:
    • Seamless two-way real-time syncing between Airtable & Webflow.
  • Logic Sheet:
    • Automates repetitive tasks in Google Sheets.
  • Pricewell:
    • Stripe subscriptions without hiring a developer.
  • Local Scraper:
    • Web scraper app to extract lead data from various platforms.
    • Estimated annual revenue: $8.5M.
  • WebExtract:
    • No-code web scraper to extract data, auto-detect topics, analyze consumer sentiment from eCommerce sites, and integrate data feeds into Google Sheets.
  • PodcastPage:
    • Tailored for podcasters to launch a podcast website in minutes.
  • No Code Map App:
    • No-code builder for creating custom interactive maps.
    • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR): $850 in 8 months.
  • ChatBotKit:
    • Creates conversational AI chatbots with custom data across websites, Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, etc.
  • Stacksync:
    • Real-time & bidirectional data synchronization between CRM and Database/Data Warehouse.
  • Basedash:
    • AI-generated interface to visualize, edit, and explore users’ data.
  • AgentHub:
    • AI-powered tool to automate complex business processes without coding.
  • DronaHQ:
    • Low code platform for engineering and business operations teams to deliver GUIs, admin panels, embeddable features, CRUD apps.
    • Annual revenue: $6.3M.
  • Octoparse:
    • No-coding solution for web scraping to turn pages into structured data within clicks.
    • Annual revenue: $3.3M.